I don't know how some of the other couponers do it. You never seem to hear about the OMGihavetobuythattodaycauseineedit store runs. It just has to happen sometimes... maybe that's just not a cool thing to post. Well, I'm here to share that life happens even to couponers! Although I was on a mission, I did scope out stuff and find a couple of deals!
You don't have to worry that I'm gonna start posting EVERY shopping trip I make. That would be like going up to a complete stranger in the store and telling him/her the color of your underwear. Yikes! That would be just WAY too weird.

*choke* *gasp*
only saving grace is I had a $5 rebate mastercard from the swiffer promo earlier this year - used it!
I did buy two different hair trimmers -- forgot my cell at home (pffft!) so I couldn't ask my hubby's opinion. At least I've created another opportunity to visit Target when I return one of the trimmers. *sigh* Total OOP will drop by ~$10.
So, what is such a BIG deal?! Holy cow! Check this out:
Venus Embrace package $7.64
Satin Care shave gel + Embrace razor w/ refill cartridge + Olay body wash
$2/1 MQ PG 6/7
Final Price $5.64
(whoot! there were 34 sets/pkgs when I left the store last night on an end cap)
Satin Care shave gel 7 oz $1.79
B1G1 free MQ
Final price $0.90
(if you stocked up on the Wags sale for shaving gel earlier this year...kudos to you! I totally got aced on that deal and was never able to find any)
The rest of the stuff is me looking for a different facial astringent. I love Biore but there aren't any coupons for it. I contacted the company & they won't be doing any coupons because the redemption of them doesn't make it worth their while. So, I'm gonna try a different product which I hope will have coupons.
Of course, I had to get the doggie treats! Jeez! Wasn't that a "must have" thing too? My doggies sure think so! LOL!
Read More...if you want to see the goofy receipt & hear the story behind it...
So, I'm putting my stuff in the car, and I'm thinking my new facial astringent sure smells strong. I didn't remember it being that stinky in the store. So, I peer in the bag by the meager parking lot lights -- reach in slowly for the bottle -- and SURE enough -- one of the bottles had spilled all over the stuff I just bought! Urrrgh! I grabbed some paper towels I keep in the car and shoved some in the bag. So, that bottle's price per ounce is just a tinsy bit off now!
The receipt got a few battle scars along the way.

Hey there, thanks for the great blog, I check yours regularly. You did a great job last night...I know what you mean when you say we KCL's have a "real world" situation and actually have to spend some money. Anyway, did you happen to get that Target coupon booklet they sent a couple of weeks ago? They had a Q in there that was $4 off a Venus Embrace-I used mine last night in combination with a $3 MQ and only paid about .49, but I didn't see the combo pack...bummer! Also, there ARE Biore coupons, I have (2) $2.00 off Q's! (Can't remember where I got them) so you might want to check ebay or something!
Ack! Target coupon booklet? Nope, sure didn't. Wow! Do you remember how you signed up for or got it?
I had a couple of Biore coupons before (used them up), but honestly, I'm not a huge fan (yet?) of buying coupons off ebay.
Have you purchased off ebay before? What was your experience like?
There was an IP for Biore a while back. Also, I got a few at Rite Aid. They had these little brochures with $2/1 coupons by the Biore products.
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