Coupon Gossip via Email -- READY!

FIRST -- I would like to recognize three gals who were willing to help me test the email subscription. To Jennifer, Sara and Janet -- THANK YOU! Here's wishing you gals the ultimate coupon success -- the perfect sale & coupon matchups -- and the time to take advantage of them! You rock ladies!

SECOND -- If you'd like to get Coupon Gossip in your email, the subscription link is on the right.

THIRD -- If you'd rather not get any more email, I totally understand! *smile*

FOURTH -- Hey! Why aren't you subscribing?

FIFTH -- Oh! You took the third comment seriously? Wow! Gotta watch what I type!

SIXTH -- if you can read this...please, oh, please would make my day...

Read More...he's reading email from Coupon Gossip!
(drum roll please for that lousy joke!)