THANK GOODNESS this is the last week for this promo! Dang! I feel like I'm in a total time warp!
Here's the price list:
(click in image for larger view)
(seriously gotta spend time figuring out a better post method for the list)

Read More...he's busy finding a magnifying glass...
That is an incredible amount of work for you to do every week. How can you find the time? I like your list. I am wondering if you can highlight the lowest price for each item in red. That way say I want to buy apples. I can look at the list and see which one is red and match it to the store that is the lowest.
If that is to distracting another idea would be to highlight the big items that are not cheaper at albertsons because then I Will make sure to grab those when I am at winco.
Really I am so impressed that you would work so hard to do this.
Hey Cynthea -
I think I can come up with something on the color deal. I build the template in excel -- so, I'll look at it.
How do I find the time? There are late nights a couple times a week for sure! However -- here's a "store secret" I'm finding out -- the stores don't change that many items each week. For example, the Herbel Essences shampoo price at Walmart has been the same for about two months now. I think the stores depend on the consumer not remembering prices. Well, I agree -- unless you write it down, how would you remember? I've only become aware of how little the price changes on some items since I've been tracking them. Go figure!
I'm really glad you find the list useful. I doing it 'cause I want to know -- and sharing seems to make all the time worth it. Ya know what I mean?
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