The adventure would be more interesting if I said I was in the deepest part of the Congo, lost without a guide, no food, no water, and no hope of help (meaning, I was the only one who understood what I wanted to do). However, it was really like walking down the sidewalk (no hiking through a cannibal infested jungle required) and painless! The clerk was really helpful & it was a great experience.
I still had two receipts on this trip because the Fiber One pastries rang up at the wrong price -- and at the Customer Service (CS) counter you can't see the prices as they ring up. So, you'll need to "watch" your sale closely and probably have to the clerk verify the prices you're expecting when using the CS counter.
Here are a couple things to take note of if you want to price match at Target.
(1) Bring the entire ad with you. Don't just clip out the section you want to use.
(2) Target will only do price matches at the Customer Service (CS) counter.

Total OOP $4.92 ($5.63 w/tax)
4 Starbucks Frappuccino drinks
4 Fiber One Pastries
3 All travel size laundry detergent
Starbucks Frappuccino drinks $2.00
4/$5 price match with Walgreens ad
Makes them $1.25 each
$1/1 MQ SS 6/21
Final Price $0.25
(and NO filler item needed! whoot!)
Fiber One Pastries 6 ct $1.99 (scanned at counter)
Price check by grocery -- only one with $0.98 price sticker
Final Price $0.98
All travel size laundry detergent $0.97
$1/1 MQ RP 6/28
Final Price FREE
Read More...he'll show you the receipt...if you show him yours....*wink*
Here is the receipt:

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