So, in doing my recon today, I decided to take advantage of the All detergent sale going on at Freds! This is the best price I've seen so far! I also picked up a head of lettuce & some tomatoes for tacos this week -- ya'll know how I love Fred's produce!

Total OOP $17.96 ($19.28 w/tax)
2 All detergent, 96 load
1 head lettuce
1 bag roma tomatoes, 1.22 lbs
Here's how the pricing worked:
All detergent 96 load $9.99 (first 2)
$2/1 MQ RP 6/28
Final Price: $7.99
(this Freds sale runs thru 7/21 so you have time to take advantage of it)
Lettuce 1 head $0.78 (first 2)
Roma Tomatoes $0.99 lb
Read More....he's busy sorting clothes for the wash...
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