Total OOP $3.28 ($3.78 w/tax)
5 boxed of Kelloggs corn flakes
5 lbs of peaches (approx.)
5 Kelloggs Corn Flakes, Touch of Honey 12 oz $1.67
5 doublers -- $1 doubler "credit"
Final Price $0.67
Peaches, 4.94 lbs $4.94
5 $1 peelies off cereal for buying fresh fruit
Final Price $0.06 overage
Use the doublers so you can "credit" the twice the value of the $1 peelie towards the cereal. You need to buy the $ value in fruit of the peelies you're using. In my case, I bought 5 boxes so I had 5 peelies. I tried to buy 5 lbs of peaches at $1 lb so it would be $5.
(on the scale in the produce section it showed over 5 lbs so I thought I was golden -- jeez).
Read More...he's wondering the best way to dry peaches...
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