I will typically make my quick shopping run to either Walmart or Freds (both are close to my home). I will choose Winco if I'm already going to Target for something. With that said, I've decided to dedicate this post to Freds. Freds really is competitive on their pricing. Here's how I did on Monday -- I did this in two trips (for the hamburger buns, limit 2).

1 California Pizza
2 Lays potato chips
4 Bush's baked beans
3 Hunts snack pack pudding
4 Hamburger buns, 8 ct
4 Fresh Express salad, 12 oz
2 bags cherries, 4.02 lbs
I was doing some pricing recon so I've got some additional prices to share with you in a different post. I wasn't surprised Freds could compete so well...but I was happy to have it verified they are an economical place to shop! Most of the stuff I bought was either in the sale this week of just a really great in store price.
Read More to see the pricing breakdown...
California Pizza 12 inch $5.49
$2/1 IP May SS
Final Price: $3.49
(not the cheapest price, but within $0.25)
Lays potato chips 14 oz $1.88 (sale thru 7/4)
(this is a better price than the current Albs sale!)
Bush's Baked Beans 28 oz $1.25 (sale thru 7/4)
$1/2 IP MQ
Final Price: $0.75
Hunts Snack Pack Pudding 4 pk $0.98
$1/3 MQ from Hunts mailer
Final Price: $0.65
FMV Hamburger buns 8 ct $0.39 (first two)
(whoot! finally found my cheap hamburger buns!)
Fresh Express salad 12 oz $0.98
Fresh cherries $0.99 lb (sale thru 7/4)
(these are really tasty!)
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