Read More....getting out his noisemakers!
Happy New Year!
Read More....getting out his noisemakers!
Lowe's 10% coupon
Don't forget, Home Depot honors Lowe's coupons, and vice versa.
Read More.....clean-up?
Free Gillette Fusion Razor Call-in Offer
If the men in your family haven't tried this razor, this is the perfect opportunity. I know my son will be loving this! Thanks to RefundCents for the info!
Read More....wondering if he needs to start shaving?
Hip 2 Save has been found
Back in town
Read More....sat for HOW long?
Contadina Coupons
Read More....Loves his pasta!
Kohl's After Christmas Sale
Possibly No Holiday Posts
So, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.
I'll be back to posting next week.
Fred Meyer - $2 catalina
Wish I could tell you for sure what caused the catalina. LMK if you try it and have the same experience.
Read More.....getting out his coffee cup.
HOT Old Navy links

Hip2Save Blog
Read More.....wonders how many deals he's missing out on!?!
International Delight FB post
"Be sure to check the International Delight Fan Page tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST for a very special holiday treat!"
I'm there right now and they are giving away another free coupon for a pint of creamer to the first 100,000 fans. It will come via US mail.
Woot, woot! Free creamer!
Read More......looking for his coffee
Wholly Guacamole Meets the Party Goddess
Read More....Loves the green stuff.
Staples - 10% off any one item
Read More....wonders if they have shiny things...
Crest Whitestrips - Facebook Sweepstakes
Read More.....loving all these facebook freebies!
Kohl's $10 off $20 purchase coupon
I work during the day (Meridian) on Saturday. If you come in, stop by and say hi!
Read More.....finishing up his Christmas shopping at Kohl's?
ConAgra coupons
$1 off Egg Beaters Flavored Variety
$1 off La Choy Creations
75c off Marie Callendars Pasta Al Dente
50c off any Wesson Oil (Do Not Double)
These are smartsource coupons, so you must have Java enabled on your computer. I printed today and all coupons expire 1/15/10. Only the Wesson oil coupon says Do Not Double.
Read More......Loves to save some green!
20 Free ITunes Songs
"Our music department made a fantastic playlist and we're giving it away on iTunes. All you have to do is become a fan of iTunes on Facebook and you can download 20 free songs. enjoy!"
And then:
"Hey everyone - quick clarification. Looks like there is some confusion in the comments from the previous post. Here is link that goes directly to the free 20 iTunes songs. ... Become a fan of iTunes and get the free songs ... Have fun!"
Looks like there's some Sting, Moby, Iron & Wine, Metric and more. I'm getting an MP3 Player for Christmas, so this could be just what I need.
Read More....Getting ready to rock out!
P&G coupons no longer to be loaded on to Kroger card
"Beginning December 31, 2009, P&GeSAVER™ coupons can no longer be downloaded to your Kroger® Shopper's Card.
Please redeem all P&GeSAVER coupons you now have on your Kroger* Shopper's Card by December 31, 2009.
We value your loyalty to P&GeSAVER and are very sorry for any inconvenience this causes."
What a bummer!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let those e-coupons expire, since you won't get them again! Hopefully, other companies won't follow suit.
Read More....wiping his eyes....
New Hallmark Coupons
So, if you haven't already done so - head on over to your Hallmark Gold Crown store with your two $5 coupons, and pick up your free 2010 Datebook and get ready to save a little money. One $5 coupon gets you 6 - 99c cards for just $1.05!!!!!!!!!
Read More.....loves birthday cards!
Free hot beverage at 7-11
Read More...looking for ways to get warm!
Add La Victoria coupons to your Fred Meyer card
"La Victoria welcomes you to enjoy the easiest way to save on our many quality products. Just browse our online coupon catalog, choose the coupons you'd like and then load them to your shopper card. It's that simple! Next time you shop, the savings will be automatically deducted from your purchase total."
I registered and it told me that there were no participating stores in my area, but there was a little link for looking at participating stores in other areas. Clicked on it and low and behold, there was Kroger. I followed the prompts, adding my Fred Meyer card as a Kroger card, just like when I joined and I was taken to a screen that had 4 coupons for La Victoria products (green chilis, enchillada sauce, salsa and taco sauce). I BELIEVE all were 25c off, but hey, every bit helps! All the coupons expire 12/31/09 and there was no mention about how often I could add them. I wonder how many other companies will follow suit - is this a new trend?
Read More.....Loves Mexican food!
$5 off $5 Hallmark purchase
The Hallmark store at 5 Mile/Overland is my favorite store. In fact, I finally broke down and joined the Snow Buddies club there. If you like collecting Hallmark ornaments, you might want to check that out also.
Read More......loves shiny ornaments!
Sierra Mist coupons
Read More......sparkling punch?
Winco Coupons
Green Giant canned veggies 28c limit 4 (this is my favorite brand of corn), Bandon medium cheddar cheese $2.98 limit 1 (use the $1 co from to get 2 lbs for $1.98 - definitely hot!), Pillsbury cake mix 48c limit 2, Shasta cola $1.48 limit 2 (NOT my favorite brand, but the kids will drink it!), Bumble bee tuna 28c limit 3. 10 lbs russet potatoes 68c. Coupons all expire 12/13/09. Other coupons in the ad: Ragu 98c limit 2 (don't you already have enough Ragu?) match with coupon from paper, Langers cranberry juic 98c limit 2, Kelloggs pop tart 78c limit 2, (possibly use 55c co from Kelloggs sprinklins mailer?), Tenderbird chicken breast 3 lb bag(?) $3.98 limit 2 and Yuban 33 oz $3.98 limt 2.
Look for your ad - if the coupons excite you, perhaps your neighbors will give you their ads too?
Read More.....Looking for coupons...
Help Idaho win $2000 in dog food
The ANH shelter (Animals Need Homes) in Montpelier ID entered the Iams Feed Pets in Need contest. The shelter is in 2nd place in this nationwide contest. Voting ends tonight and they need your vote. Top 2 shelters win $2000 in dog food. I'm sure that will go a long way to helping out. So please go to Iams and select register now (scroll down). Once you are registered, select Idaho and ANH Montpelier. Then submit vote! A popup will appear. Scroll down and check the box and submit. Hopefully, this will help them out and they can win! How cool is that?
In anticipation of your help, I thank you. I know there is a lot of demands on everyone's time and money - this is a quick and easy way to help, all from the comfort of your computer chair.
Read More.....loves his 4-legged friends!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be out shopping on Friday, starting at Penney's (no, there is NOTHING I want at Kohl's) at 4am. I think it's Walmart after that, but not 100% sure yet. Shopping morning will be cut back, because I'll be working at Kohl's from 12-10pm, so if you're in the store, stop by and say hi!!! Don't forget to use your $5 Kohl's coupons!!!!
Read More....Says gobble, gobble, pass the gravy!
Cuties mandarin orange coupons
My daughter loves these, so guess what's on the next grocery list? Thanks Leah!
Read More.....wants to have an orange rolling contest.
Kelloggs Sprinklings Newsletter - free coupon
If you haven't signed up yet, go here.
Read More....Not sure he likes blueberries.
Subway Fresh Fit Kids Meal - New Reusable Bag
I'm the one who recycles just about everything and I have a million (ask my husband) cloth bags for my groceries. I was uber excited when I saw this post on Coupon Geek. I got on the phone and called Subway on Ustick and the gal confirmed, they do have these reusable bags for the kids meals. Each bag comes with a trading card, and when the kids return with bag, they get a new trading card. There are 4 bags: Polar Bear, Black Rhino, Cheetah and Amur Leopard. See them here. They are just darling! Subway has donated $100,000 to the World Wildlife fund as part of this promotion. Guess I know where I'll be going for lunch soon.
Thanks CouponGeek for the heads up on this promotion.
Read More....wants to trade cards.
Hallmark - 500 bonus points
Don't forget to register your Crown Rewards card for an extra 100 bonus points!
Read More.....Hopes Grandmama finds that last Barbie ornament!
Old Navy - Thanksgiving weekend sale
Under "Share the Event Lineup" they show coupons for 15% off, 20% off, $15 off $75 purchase and $10 off $50 purchase when you share.
Read More....3 am? When is he supposed to sleep?
Commercial Tire - $20 Gift Card with food donation
Read More....thinking about oil and Christmas?
Albertsons - $10 off when you buy select gift cards
Fine print says its valid 11/18 - 11/28 and only 1 $10 discount per transaction.
Read More...Hooking up his headphones .
Cheap Eggs - Albertsons Cole/Fairview
Price is only at the Albertsons on Cole/Fairview.
Read More....loves deviled eggs!
Kellogg's cereal coupons/Albertson's
You could combine the $1.50 on 3 and the 75c on Rice Krispies to get $2.25 off the 4/$10 Kelloggs cereal deal, making the deal 4 boxes for $7.75, PLUS you get 2 free cereal bowls and $4 instantly on milk. In the past, the $4 on milk comes off automatically, so if you don't purchase milk and it works like it has previously, you could get 4 cereals and 2 bowls for $3.75. Use the bowls for stocking stuffers at Christmas! That would be less than $1/box!!!!
I can offer no guarantee that the $4 will come off instantly if you do not have a milk purchase, so if you try it, leave a comment and let us know how it goes. If you must make a milk purchase, it's still a good deal!
Read More......wants the bowls
Fred Meyer - Coupons in today's Idaho Statesman
One of the readers of RefundCents just posted that Wed. Idaho Press-Tribune had a lot of coupons for FM. The ones that caught her eye were DiGiorino Pizza $3.99 limit 4; Philadelphia Cream Cheese 4 for $5 limit 8. I've searched all the blogs I look at for the Pacific Northwest and no one else picked up those coupons, so I can't tell you what else there was. You may want to check at the service desk and see if they have a copy.
Read More.....Loves Fred E. Bear!
Walgreens - Free Nexxus Mousse
Look for smaller size gold can (UPC 05592-09148) (marked perfect for airline travel) of Nexxus Mousse, on sale 2/$5. Use the $4 coupon in the November Coupon Booklet found at Walgreens. If you purchase 2, the register will adjust the coupon so that it takes off $5. You will still pay tax.
I have not seen this posted for the Treasure Valley, so I don't know if the product is here. One of the blogs out of the Seattle area found it, another didn't. It was mentioned this coupon would also work on Nexxus shampoo (I don't have an ad with me, but it may be on sale, or even clearance). The shampoo is not as inexpensive as the mousse, but it would still be a good deal! If you have found/find the mousse, please post a comment. My teenage dd would love me for bringing some of this home!
While you are at Walgreens, don't forget the inexpensive Kleenex that I posted about on Monday. At one store, I just paid 47c (27c + 20c tax) and didn't use my Kleenex coupon, because I was tired of looking for inexpensive items to add. (Actually, what I told Darlene was that I didn't need any more junk!) Get a raincheck if they are out!!!!!!!!!!
Read More....Going for the styled look!
$3/3 Chex Coupons
Read More.... Licking his lips in anticipation.
Kohl's $5 coupon
UPDATE: I work again on Friday, so I will enter all the emails Friday evening. Make sure you check your spam/junk mail folders too, because sometimes the coupons go there.
I mentioned before that I work part-time at Kohl's. If any reader is interested in getting $5 coupons on anything, leave a comment with your email address and I'll get it sent in for you. You can register as many email addresses as you want, but the fine print stipulates one redemption per customer (remember my previous post - your kids can be customers, you can come back multiple days, I just can't redeem more than 1 from you on any given day). The coupons should be good Black Friday, so you could use one on your purchase then. The 15-20-30% scratch-offs started today for Kohl's charge customers and you could use it on that purchase too. There is a TON of clearance right now and they are getting multiple trucks in every week, and the coupons are good on clearance merchandise.
Read More....Wonders if there are sparkling things.
Albertsons - Sara Lee & Breyers
(Soap box here - IMO, if you are getting items for free at the register, you shouldn't expect to use coupons on them - you aren't paying tax on the free items, therefore you technically didn't buy anything to use a coupon on. The fact that Albertsons is taking an ice cream coupon IMO is gravy!) end of soapbox :)
If you are planning to wait till the weekend to make your purchase, you will probably not get what you want. You MAY get pie and ice cream, but not the flavors you want. I would recommend going today or tomorrow. Yes, they will get more in (and they probably have a lot in the back), but at some point, they will run out. I doubt if they will issue rainchecks. Get it now while you can.
Read More.....Thinking about rocky road and licking his lips!
Walgreens - Free Kleenex
UPDATE: This will ONLY work with the 85 count ultra soft kleenex.
Is Kleenex on your list as part of the B$30 G$15 free deal?
Well, scratch it off and get something else in its place because THIS deal is HOT!!!!!!!!
On the front page of the Walgreens ad that came out yesterday, is a coupon for Kleenex 80, 85, 100 or 200 sheet boxes for $1.09. Give the cashier your 50c/3 coupon from Smart Source 10/4 or 11/1 or IP version. Then use the $1 coupon from the Walgreens Healthy Savings booklet (Walgreens at Locust Grove and Fairview had the booklets at the front of the store when you walk in.) You will need to make sure you have a filler item that covers the 23c overage, because here in Idaho, coupons can't be used to pay tax. If you don't have the 50c/3 coupon, you will pay 27c plus tax. What a deal!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Coupon Geek and The Coupon "High" for posting this incredible deal!!!!!!! Guess where I'm going after work?
Read More.....feels the sniffles coming on!
Fred Meyer - Mr. Potato Head
These toys are rated for ages 2+, so my grandson is still a little young for them, but Grandma's working on her toybox! The best deal is on the Buddies, which would be two for 99c plus tax, so if you are looking for gifts for an Angel Tree or Toys for Tots, two nice gifts for $1 is a great deal! You can sweeten the deal even more, now that you read this post - make your purchase before 11/11 and use the 10% off bonus coupon that's on the front page of the "Enjoy 4 EXTRA Days of Savings" insert. That would save you an extra $1.80 if you make the same purchases I did.
Read More.....wonders where the nose goes.
Fred Meyer - Great Battery Deal
Karrie says buy 6 at $3.99 each, give the cashier this weeks in-ad coupon (which will deduct $12) and then give 6 manufacturers coupons. If you have 6 50c coupons, your out of pocket before tax will be $8.94 and you will receive a $5 catalina. There is no limit stated on the Fred Meyer coupon, and it does say "May be used with Bonus Coupon". I don't know if that means that the Rewards Certificates (that always come with in-store coupons) are coming this week, or what that statement actually means.
I would think this catalina would roll, and if so, your next batch would be cheaper (without any coupons, just using the $5 catalina 6 would be $6.94 and you should get another $5 catalina! Since I just heard about this, I can't confirm that the catalina will roll though. This would be a great time to stock up for your holiday toy battery needs! Since the ad is good thru Saturday, you could go on e-bay and order some of the $1 coupons.
Thanks to Karrie for the great info!
UPDATE: I just ran to the FM on Franklin in Boise. They had plenty of the in-ad coupons, hanging on the battery display. Also, I figured out what the Bonus Coupon is, I think. There is a 1 page insert in the Fred Meyer ad - Enjoy 4 Days of Extra Savings. One of the 4-day bonus coupons is "Take an extra 10% off" Includes housewares, Home Decor, Furniture, Toys, Storage, Bedding, Bath, School & Office Supplies, Tools, Hardware, Automotive, Home Improvement, Sporting Goods and Luggage. I'm pretty sure batteries fall into one of those categories!
Read More........counting his toys...
KMart Loyalty Card
Read More.....wondering about the prizes.
Albertson's / Paul's Market - Coke $2 coupon
Read More....loves the bubbles.
Franz Bakery Outlet
They also had their older bread at deeply discounted prices (one loaf I saw was 69c). At this time they do not have a punch card program, but any time you make a purchase, you get to take an item off the Customer Appreciation rack (one visit per day). I got a package of Hawaiian English Muffins. I'm hoping they are as sweet as Kings Hawaiian Rolls! They are open Monday-Saturday till 6pm. I've seen a few of my favorite bloggers who have been going to Franz Bakery Outlets in their areas and decided to check it out myself. I'm glad I did - I got some good savings!
Read More.....Looking for the butter!
Albertsons - Cole/Fairview
I must say that I have NEVER had a problem with my coupons at this store and they generally don't run out of items. If they do run out, it usually isn't until Tuesday night. With all the talk on the blogs about tomorrows ad, I can see a lot of the busier stores running out of things early on. Try Cole and Fairview - great staff, well-stocked and you shouldn't have to resort to "Plan B" to get enough items to get your catalina. Oh, and tell them Janet sent you!
Read More..... Thinks he should get his coupons ready!
Dealing with Target
1. When your receipt "expires", it expires. You can contact Target Customer Service (right from the store on their phone) and if you are lucky, they will give the store an override code. If the item was on clearance when you bought it and your receipt expires, the chances of you getting an override code are slim and none.
2. When you call Target Customer Service, either from the store or your home, if you can't understand the person, ask to be transferred back to the US. Don't ask for a supervisor, because they may/may not be any more understandable. Immediately ask to be transferred to the US. (I would imagine this goes for any other company that is using an off-shore call center).
Forewarned is forearmed.
Read More....Learned something new today!
Fred Meyer coupons in Friday's paper
In the same paper, there is an ad for FM Doorbuster on Sat. 10/31 7am-1pm. Included in that ad is a coupon for 25% off apparel, shoes and accessories. Check it out!
Read More....Going to Freddies for a new coat!
Nescafe Coffee Samples/Coupons
Thanks to Hip to Save for the link for the samples!
Read More...Can't wait for the water to get hot!
Walgreens Robitussin
Read More......Thinks he's catching a cold.
Kellogg's Poptarts Sprinklings
Read More....Loves Kellogg's promotions
$5 Real Simple Rebate
Other blogs wrote about getting something other than the Ultra Plush, but those won't work for the rebate. Other items of interest to me are the International Delight (I'm out of creamer!) using a 55c coupon and the Nestle Toll House break apart cookies (use $1 coupon). Just make sure your purchase is greater than $15 before coupons. Then let your friends at Albertsons save you a little green, and save some more when you mail in the rebate!
Thanks to Crystal at Frugal Chic Living for the link to the rebate form.
Read More.....Wonders How much toilet paper is enough?
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Smart Source Coupons via Text Message
For the launch that occured yesterday, coupons from Kotex, Huggies, Trident, Jimmy Dean, Kellog and Tyson, totaling $17.50 were available, ranging in value from 50c to $3.00 Those particular coupons will remain available until Nov. 8th.
I don't have a cell phone, so I am unable to test this and give you any feedback. If you do this, please let us know how it goes! Thanks to RefundCents for the heads up on this program.
Read More.....He's sure he needs those coupons he can't get!
Free Marlboro T-Shirts
Read More....Loves free shirts!
Kohl's coupons
I'm not allowed to let you to make multiple transactions. (This isn't Albertsons!) Getting mad and telling me that you get 4 papers isn't going to make any difference, I can only take 1. Kohl's almost gives away some of their merchandise, but management is very strict about the coupon usage. If you have 4 papers, come in with someone (kids are customers too) or make multiple visits over the days the coupon is good. I'm a couponer too, and I understand about getting multiple papers, but please try and figure out another way to use your coupons besides standing there with back-to-back multiple orders.
Read More....Hopes Janet's off her soap box now.
gatorade phone in
Here's a great phone-in instant win sweeps for you to enter! Thanks to Sheena, at RefundCents for thin info.
Gatorade Target Call In Contest 1-888-284-8087 Many people have won $15 Target Gift Cards!!! Press 2, then 2, then key in your birthday (xx-xx-xxxx). Expires 10/31/09. You can use different phone lines like cell, home, work and you will know instantly if you won or not. I still use my Gatorade cooler on wheels won a few years ago from this same contest.
Read More....Pulling out the phones!
Albs -- preview 10/21 available

Hey all! The preview for the upcoming Albs ad is available -- link on the right.
There are some great deals on the front page! Love it!
Read More says THANKS to Hot Coupon World for the preview!
Organic Valley Milk - 64c/half gallon!!!

Albertsons Gas Rewards
Read More....Not sure this Gas Rewards program is all its cracked up to be!
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Upcoming Fred Meyer Catalina Offers
One started 10/9/09: Buy San Pellegrino 750mL or 1 Liter bottles
B3 G $1.00 or
B4 G $2.00 or
B5 or more G $3.00 catalina Valid 10/9/09 - 11/1/09
The next started yesterday 10/18/09: Buy participating Hersheys products between 10/18 and 10/31/09 - Spend $25.00 or more and get a $5.00 catalina. Participating brands include: Halloween-themed snack size packages (9-16 oz), jumbo snack size packages (16.3-27.14 oz), harvest-themed packages (10-18.5 oz), super snack size assortments (24.17-55.28 oz), Reeses peanut butter pumpkin singles and 6 pks (1.2-7.2 oz) and 30-ct variety packs.
The 3rd starts 10/23/09: Buy any three Kellogg's mini-wheats cereals (14.5oz or larger, any flavor mix or match) between 10/23/09 and 11/19/09 and receive a coupon good for one gallon of free milk. All free milk coupons are good on any brand, any flavor up to $3.60 for one gallon.
(Note: Remember to try and purchase ones that have $10 bonus bucks on them, or the dvd seals and get more bang for your purchase!).
Read More....Looking for more cereal!
Fred Meyer Anniversary Sale
Here's the highlights of the ad (IMO) which you can see yourself here. All include using the store coupon in the ad:
Coke 24 pk - 2/$9
Campbell Chunky Soup $1 limit 10 (use $1/4 co from 10/11 insert or 75c/4 co from 9/20 insert)
Tree Top, Langer, Ocean Spray Juices $1.50 limit 8
Franz Bread, Fred Meyer Peanut Butter/Preserves $1 limit 10
Propel 3/$1 limit 9 (use 55c/1 hangtag co)
Dryers Ice Cream $2 limit 4
Tillamook Cheese 2 lbs. $3.99 (use $1 coupon if you have it)
Medium Avocado/Mini Peeled Carrots 50c
Ink Cartridges 20% off
Cover Girl - free mascara with any Cover Girl Purchase (use $1 co from 9/27 or 10/11 P&G inserts)
There aren't a lot of coupons to match up to the in-store coupons, but these are some great prices!
The extra bonus points are not transferable, so I am not posting a link to it. I would recommend going to their website and signing up to get their emails. I've gotten some good email coupons from them, but IMO this is the best one yet!
Read More......Is going to Freddies on Sunday because there is soup calling his name!
Wordless Wednesday

Read More...Hopes the gene pool ends.
Deal Or No Deal?
And I admit, I succumb to the excitement myself - I want in on that deal! And if I'm not able to participate (I work 2 jobs and don't get out to the stores as much as I would like), I'm bummed out. But tonight, I'll be number crunching, because I think that the items I want from the Albertsons ad will be cheaper if I purchase them with doublers in batches of 3 on Sunday than if I buy them as part of the B$25 G$10 deal and end up buying stuff I don't need.
For another opinion, read the article Darlene wrote in July - Resisting Magpie Eye.
Read helping Janet Resist Magpie Eye.
Victoria's Secret Pink Nation - Free Panties
Offer is valid Oct 13 - Nov 9, so you have plenty of time to get to VS.
Read More.....loves free clothes!
Free Zone Alarm Pro Firewall 2010
Thanks to RefundCents for the info.
Read More.....checking his computers.
Auto Zone: Loan A Tool
I know there is an Auto Zone in Meridian, and I'm sure there are more Treasure Valley locations.
Read More..... has got his eye on a shiny wrench!
Cost Plus World Market Family & Friends Event
Read More......wants to ride the elephant.
Coupon insert dates
For a long time, I had problems when someone would say "It's in Smartsource (SS) 9/6 or RedPlum (RP) 8/30". I tried writing the date on the outside front cover, but if I wasn't paying attention, cut out the coupon and had the date on the back, or if I just plain forgot to write it, I messed up that process. Then I tried filing them right away in a folder with the date marked on the folder, but if I didn't put the insert right back, I had another mess on my hands. Then one day, it hit me!
Something made me look on the "spine" of the front/back section. By "spine" I mean the fold, or what would be the spine if the coupon insert was a book. On that fold, is, among other things, the paper that the coupons were published in (if you have both Press Tribune and Stateman, that could be important since they don't always have the same coupons) and, drum roll please, ....... the date!!! My first thought was, why didn't I figure this out sooner?!?! To save you some aggravation, I thought I'd pass that info on to you. I hope it helps!
Read More.....Needs to go file at Janetcoupons house, because she's behind!
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P&G Brand Saver Insert in Sunday's paper
Read More..... is getting his scissors ready!
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Snow White Movie Price Comparison
TRU - $19.99
Walmart - $19.96
Fred Meyer - $20.99 (plus 2 free boxes of Kelloggs cereal) plus rewards points and gas rewards
Albertsons - $19.95 (plus 2 free boxes of Kelloggs cereal) plus fuel rewards
I will be using my $10 coupon at Fred Meyer and picking cereal that has movie tokens on it so my daughter can send away for another free dvd from Kelloggs, plus getting rewards points for my quarterly rewards as well as gas rewards. For me, that's worth the extra $1! And, they have plenty of stock!
If you haven't printed the $10 coupon, you can do so here. There is a $5 rebate from Hefty and a $5 rebate from a product I've never heard of....Kernel Seasons. Once you have received your rebates back, it's a pretty inexpensive movie!
Read More.... Is wondering where the popcorn is?
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FREE Bumble Bee Tuna at Fred Meyer
If you are running out of the Starkist tuna pouches you picked up a few months ago or are getting ready for food bank/food drive donation items, this is one you shouldn't miss!
Thanks to Leah at La Vida Cheapo for this info!
Read More....loves tuna, especially when it is free!
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Walgreens - Free Rimmel Eye Makeup
Thanks to RefundCents for the info.
Read More.....thinks he's looking pretty!
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If you don't have a Upromise accountor need more, register here.
Read More.... Is hoping someone is saving for college for him!
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Fred Meyer 3-Day Sale
Seedless grapes are 79c/lb. There are also 3 great store coupons. Hamburger Helper 69c (limit 6), Fritos and Fritos Bean Dip 99c (limit 4) and Nestles Fun Size Candy Bags $1.99 (limit 3). There were Hamburger Helper coupons (75c/3) in Smart Source 8/9/09 and 9/13/09 or you can print the same coupon here. Get $1 Nestle coupons here.
Remember, you can stack Fred Meyer coupons with manufacturer coupons, so purchase of 3 or 6 Hamburger Helper, using both will make the Hamburger Helper only 44c each!!!!! If you don't like Hamburger Helper, this would be a great and inexpensive item to donate to the Idaho Food Bank. Save the candy for inexpensive trick or treat give-aways.
UPDATE: Buy 3 Nestles Fun Size Candy Bags and get a $2 catalina! Thanks to Frugal Chic Living for the info.
Thanks to Sam for the heads up on these coupons!
Read heading to Freddies!
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Read More.....looking for his rewards card.
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Kelloggs $10 Bonus Bucks Offer
Kelloggs has a new promotion that is good thru 9/30/10.
- Buy 3 specially marked packages Kelloggs cereals (Frosted Flakes, Mini Wheats, Fruit Loops, Raisin Bran).
- Enter 3 codes from specially marked packages (ALL AT ONCE).
- Receive $10 Bonus Bucks by mail.
This promotion is UNLIMITED and your categories are Movie Cash, Sporting Goods Cash, Electronics and Toy Cash, Book Cash. There is a big list of stores that accept these including Fred Meyer, Sports Authority, Target, Albertsons, ToysRUs and Walmart. Bonus Bucks must be used by 10/31/10. You can read all the details here. I haven't seen any in the local stores, but I must admit, I haven't been down the cereal aisle lately. Please post a comment if you find them.
Read More....thinks it must be time for breakfast!
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WW 9/23 - yeppers! that's a deal!

Read More...he's wondering if he can add them all together.....
Mozzarella Cheese at Winco

$3.15 (it was $3.09 at her store).
There were $1.50 off Peelies right on the Mozzarella
Final Price: $1.65!
Also found were $1.00 peelies on Oberto Beef Jerky, so if that is an item you typically buy, be sure and check them out at your local WinCo. I have not checked local WinCos in the Treasure Valley, if you find some, please let us know in the comments.
Albertsons Vista/Overland
Read more... loves eating his veggies.
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Macy's $10 coupon
I haven't been able to confirm if the Treasure Valley stores are participating or not. If you get any info, please post it under comments. Thanks to refundcents for the heads up!
Read More.... looking for some new clothes!
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Staples -- sneak peek 9/20
Go HERE to see what's on sale.
Read More...loves the sneaky goodness of a preview!
My buddy, Janet, tried to use this coupon today. The Boise store manager had received a message from Sears corporate not to take the coupon -- so, it's not being accepted. At this point, the manager didn't know what would be done about it being in Seventeen magazine. Neither coupon will be accepted tho.
Original Post:
Starting tomorrow (9/15) thru 11/14/09, score some FREE Juniors fashions at Sears.
Hurry and print this coupon
There is no minimum purchase. Savings apply to juniors’ apparel only. Not valid on Lands’ End merchandise, Outlet Store purchases and catalog orders. One coupon per purchase, not valid on prior purchases.
~~C'ya Janet
THANKS to RefundCents for the info!
Friday humor -- don't mess with kids!
Seven Reasons Not To Mess With Children
1.) A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.
The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, 'When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah'.
The teacher asked, 'What if Jonah went to hell?'
The little girl replied, 'Then you ask him'.
2.) A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.
As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.
The girl replied, 'I'm drawing God.'
The teacher paused and said, 'But no one knows what God looks like.'
Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, 'They will in a minute.'
3.) A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.
After explaining the commandment to 'honor' thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, 'Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?'
Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, 'Thou shall not kill.'
4.) One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head.
She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, 'Why are some of your hairs white, Mum?'
Her mother replied, 'Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.'
The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, 'Mummy, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?'
5.) The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
'Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.'
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, 'And there's the teacher, she's dead.'
6.) A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, 'Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.'
'Yes,' the class said.
'Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?'
A little fellow shouted, 'Cause your feet ain't empty.'
7.) The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray:
'Take only ONE . God is watching.'
Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.
A child had written a note, 'Take all you want. God is watching the apples.'
Read More...yep, out of the mouth of babes! Gotta luv it!
$5 Off Purchase at Grocery Outlet
I haven't been in Grocery Outlet in a few years, so I can't tell you what you will find. The only location I could find in the Treasure Valley was on Fairview (across from Channel 7). Here's their website if you want to look for other locations
Thanks to Leah at La Vida Cheapo for this tip.
Read More... He's Saving His Pennies.
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Freds -- coupon policy change!
Melinda Merrill, Director of Public/Corporate Affairs
800-858-9202 ext. 3830
Per Cheri Judy, Director of Operations, there will be a communication to the stores this week -- once that memo hits the stores (thinking today or tomorrow) THEN there will be a 1 week grace period for the current policy! So, we can use the current Albs doublers at Freds until they expire next week Tues. SWEET! This will also give us another Freds ad to look through & potentially use them with.
Original Post below:
This was such a short lived opportunity! I was totally fearful once the current policy got out as common knowledge Freds would pull it. Yep. They sure did.
**The current policy will be grandfathered in for this week.**
I have posted it HERE in case you need it for reference. I don't think it matters anymore whether you actually ask for the policy at the store since it's going away. As there are Albs doublers this week, you can still take advantage of this policy for a few more days.
Today I spoke with Lance K. at Freds Zone 6 Regional Office (Treasure Valley) to verify some information. Over the past month, I have been in correspondence with both he and Kent C., Director of Grocery at Freds corporate. I was really hoping to get them to see the potential of catering to the couponer buyer, but alas! it's not to be.
Freds believes their current strategy of "everyday low prices" will make them viable into the future. I believe they are behind the times on what their customer base needs these days; NONE of the corporate / regional folks I spoke with even knew there was such a buyer as a "couponer" or the blogs or the strategy or the stockpiling....and on and on...
So, what's the deal now? Great question. Per Lance, Freds will have a new policy which will not be available to the public. Huh? I asked him how was I to know what the rules will be & he said my store director would explain them. La Vida Cheapo has a GREAT post HERE that outlines how Freds will take coupons -- nothing exciting -- pretty much back to the normal stuff.
The only way a company will make a change is if it hears from its customers. If you want to chat with or send an email to Freds about this policy change (good or bad), here are some Freds corporate contact info:
Corporate Office, Customer Relations 800-858-9202
(then use ext. below)
Steve Fox, VP of Merchandising ext. 5647
Kent Criss, Director of Grocery ext. 5640
Read More...totally bummed...freakin' bummed...&%#!& bummed...
LOL -- how would your husband do?
How would your husband do? Post a comment and share!
Mine? Oh, yeah, he would be looking around in a daze...eventually, I think he would be able to pull it off. At least, as long as I had my cell phone on me! *smile*
Read More...he's not volunteering for this...nope...not gonna...
Payless shoes discount coupon
Thanks to RefundCents for the info!
Read More... Thinking of shiny new shoes!
WW 9/16 -- save with store coupon.... huh?

Read More...he's thinking this might not be that good a deal...LOLOL!
Freds -- Lunchables for CHEAP!
Check out the details on THIS post by Discount Queens!
Read More...he's got a crush...something about a tiara....
Freds -- new FM Extra Savings book!
If you need it now, the first item I noticed is the Challenge Butter on the back page:
Challenge Butter 2/$5 16 oz
$0.50/1 IP here
1 Albs doubler
Final Price $1.50
This is a decent price even if you don't want to mess with using a doubler. However, as we are entering the "season of baking," there might be something better yet! *smile*
Read More...he's full of excitement on getting MORE coupons!
Albs -- early a.m. doublers run
Here's my two doubler transactions this morning:

4 boxes Special K cereal
1 box Special K snack crackers
4 boxes Ritz Crackerfuls
To see how the pricing for this works, check out the receipts!
Read, lovin' the deal! Click on me to see the receipts...

Albs -- stock status & info on 9/16 ad
Here's what I found out:
Campbells Select soups -- all the select soups except for the Light Selects should be on the 4/$5 promo. Not all of the soups have tags yet or are ringing up at the correct price. The 12 street Nampa store is fixing it now. I alerted the manager at the Greenhurst store. Hopefully, this issue will be fixed soon.
Ritz Crackerfuls -- if you want these, you better act fast. These have been hard for Albs to get enough stock from the warehouse -- the mfg. isn't getting them to the warehouse. So, it's just one of those things that will most likely run out quickly.
Buy 4 save $5 instantly -- with 4 $1/1 MQ and 3 doublers == FREE (just pay tax)
Wheat Thins -- YES! These are part of the promo for buy 4 save $5 instantly. You can print the $1/1 IP here (IE link).
Buy 4 save $5 instantly -- with 4 $1/1 MQ and 3 doublers == FREE (just pay tax)
Read More...he's ready for more! Bring it on!
Albs -- my doubler transactions
Here's how I used my doublers today:

(5.91 w/tax)
3 Hormel Compleats meals
5 Green Giant Steamers veggies
1 Rhodes rolls
I did this in 3 transactions using 3 doublers in each transaction.
Here's how the pricing breaks down:
Hormel Compleats meals $1.99 (clearance price)
1 $0.75/1 MQ SS 8/16
1 doubler
Final Price $0.49
Green Giant Steamers veggies 2/$3 and $1.79 (clearance price)
1 $0.50/1 MQ SS 9/13
1 doubler
Final Price $0.50 to $0.79
Rhodes rolls $1.69
$1/1 MQ SS 6/14 -- (7/19 or 8/16 inserts too)
1 doubler
Final Price $0.69
(one of our doubler favs!)
Read More...just double me done for today!
Freds -- Ragu for $0.32 each
UPDATE! Heads up! You CAN use a FM store coupon with an Albs doubler! Whoot! It just depends on what type of FM store coupon you're trying to use. A specific price off of a transaction will work, i.e. take $2 off when buy X number of items. A price point coupon won't work, i.e. you get 4/$5 or something like that (see here for my oops! FM-doubler transaction).
Here's how I did this transaction:

3 jars Ragu sauce
I decided to get the white sauce for more variety. Also, since these jars are only 16 oz, I like to get an awesome deal to feel like I'm getting some value for my money.
This deal was sweeter because the Freds monthly Extra Savings ad has the Ragu as 3/$5. However, these sauces rang up at $1.55 -- which is 3/$4.65 -- so, I was $0.35 ahead before I started with the coupons! SWEET!
I had picked up three of these coupon booklets so I had another Buy 3 get $2 Unilever coupon (back cover) to use. This means when you buy 3 items you save $0.67 on each item.
Here's how the pricing worked:
Ragu sauce 16 oz $1.55

Bought 3 for a total of $4.65
$0.30 store discount (Albs doublers) -- did this 2 times
$0.30 MQ SS 9/13 -- used 2
$0.50 EQ here
$2.00 in Unilever savings
Final Price $0.95 or $0.32 each
This transaction could be done with three Albs doublers. For me , since the $0.50 e-coupon was so close to the amount I'd get with a MQ & doubler, I decided to save a MQ / doubler and just let it ride. *smile*
Read More...he wants me to make garlic pizza now -- yum-o!