Here is the tip for newbies -- you WILL have to do "regular" shopping trips sometimes for things other than perishables. Stuff won't be on sale. You won't have a coupon for that item. The more you stockpile the less it will happen, but it will happen. Don't freak. It's perfectly normal. The goal of couponing is to reduce overall what you spend on groceries. It is NOT just to buy stuff only if it has a coupon. Seriously. No joke. Not even cracking a smile. Please don't tar & feather me, folks. This is my personal philosophy, and it helps me keep stuff in perspective.
Here's how I did at Walmart today:

($41.27 w/tax)
Biggest expense item...the deli lunchmeat!
*shrugs shoulders*
Spent $9.91 on some awesome pastrami.
So, all the rest cost me $28.14 before tax.
I was low on canned beans, so I needed to buy some as I'm making chili for my book club. It's totally easy to make. I'll share when I make it.
The other "splurge" is the Sara Lee hot dog buns. They are the only buns I've found that actually stay a "bun" when you open them instead of becoming two separate pieces. Worth it to me.
I was able to use some high value coupons to reduce my OOP. Here's the items w/coupons:
Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers $2.74 - $2.78
$2/1 IP here

Final Price $0.74 - $0.78
Dawn dish soap $1.12
$0.50/1 P&G mailer here
Final Price $0.62
Pillsbury Grand Biscuits 8 ct $1.38
$1/2 IP here
Final Price $0.88
(there is a $1/1 IP out there, but I never could get it to print -- ck ATM previous posts)
8th Continent Soy Milk 1/2 gal $2.58
$2/1 IP here
Final Price $0.58
Starbucks ice cream 1 pt $2.58
$2/1 MQ SS 6/21 (expires 9/13 -- hurry if you have any left!)
Final Price $0.58
Read More...he's totally looking forward to eggs, biscuits, bacon & juice for breakfast!
I totally just want to die when I go shopping for things that don't have a coupon or do but aren't paired with a sale. Makes me laugh. Sometimes you do just have to spend on things like that. And that is life and that is okay.
OMG! I totally know what ya mean! Ya know there will be a sale for that item -- most likely -- but ya need it NOW! So, I'm like...well...whatever. I'll try to stock up the next time I see it on sale. Or those times you think you bought enough to last until the next sale -- and NOPE! -- you're out? Oh, yeah, keeps me humble. LOL.
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