Here's what I bought at Albertsons in six trips.
Total OOP $13.55 ($17.77 w/ tax)
(used 3 doublers each time)
3 V-8 Fusion drinks
4 Ritz Crackers
8 Triscuit crackers
8 Wheat Thin crackers
4 Crystal Light, 12 qt
4 Crystal Light, skin essentials
2 Daisy sour cream
4 Fresh Express salad, 24 oz
2 Beef Roasts, total 3.46 lbs
1 Bag of carrots
1 Bunch of bananas
Read more to see the pricing breakdown!
Crystal Light Deal:
4 Crystal Light
4 Crystal Light skin essentials
4 $1/1 MQ Crystal Light
3 $1/1 double Qs
4 B1G1 Crystal Light skin essentials
2 $3.00 ACOSTA savings
Total OOP $0.34 ($1.20 w/tax)
Received $2.00 catalina OYNO
Triscuit cracker deal (works for Ritz or Wheat Thins too):
4 Triscuit crackers
4 $1/1 IP Qs from internet May CC
3 $1/1 double Qs
1 $3.00 ACOSTA savings when buy $10.00 in Nabisco products
Total OOP $0.00 ($0.24 w/tax)
Deal that got me the cheap meat:
3 Ritz Crackers
3 $1/1 IP Qs from internet May CC
3 $1/1 double Qs
3 Wheat Thins
3 B1G1 Free Wheat Thins with 1 Ritz cracker Q SS 5/17
2 Triscuits
2 $1/1 IP Q from internet May CC
2 $3.00 ACOSTA when buy $10.00 in Nabisco products
Buying this much would have created a $1.50 overage. I turned this into my own "meat" coupon. If you still have 4 B1G1 Free Wheat Thin Qs, this will create a $3.00 overage. You can do better than I did!
2 Beef Roasts
1 B1G1 Free promo (free roast)
1 $2.00 catalina from the Crystal Light purchase
Total OOP $5.23 ($6.42 w/tax)
I got all the crackers for free and the 2 beef roasts cost approx. $1.50 lb.
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