Kohl's Cares For Kids Scholarships

Kohl's has an awesome program that puts money back into the community, called Kohl's Cares For Kids. The sale of the children's books ($5 each) and the matching stuffed animals (also $5 each) is what funds the program.

One of the things that is done is that Kids Who Care program, which recognizes and rewards young volunteers, ages 6-18. This year, they will be recognizing 2,100 kids (at least one from each store) and rewarding them with either $50 gift cards, or scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. Unfortunately for me, employees children are not eligible.

To fill out the nomination form go here. Once the nominator has registered, he/she will begin by filling out a form with the child's name, etc. Then there are essays about what volunteer work the child has completed. It's prety simple, really.

If your child wins, please let me know!

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