Fred Meyer - Mr. Potato Head

Fred Meyer has all Mr. Potato Heads and Potato Head Buddies on sale, B1G1F. The Mr. Potato Heads are $6.99 and the Buddies are $10.99. Thanks to a tip one of the readers at Frugal Chic Living posted, I learned FM accepts 2 coupons on B1G1F transactions. I hurried over to FM on Franklin and picked up 2 Mr. Potato Heads and 2 Buddies and 1 other small item that was 99c. I used self-check and the young man took off my 4 coupons (2-$5 Buddies, 2-$2 Mr Potato) with no problems. Total was $6.11!!! The coupons I used were printed from - don't forget to go in and print 2 of each of them.

These toys are rated for ages 2+, so my grandson is still a little young for them, but Grandma's working on her toybox! The best deal is on the Buddies, which would be two for 99c plus tax, so if you are looking for gifts for an Angel Tree or Toys for Tots, two nice gifts for $1 is a great deal! You can sweeten the deal even more, now that you read this post - make your purchase before 11/11 and use the 10% off bonus coupon that's on the front page of the "Enjoy 4 EXTRA Days of Savings" insert. That would save you an extra $1.80 if you make the same purchases I did.

Read More.....wonders where the nose goes.


Anonymous said...

I did the same transaction last week but the computer only allowed 3 coupons(and I had filler items). I went back another day to their customer service and they refused to let me use the $5 coupon since the B1G1 only counts as one purchase, not two. I explained that it's two items and that they get reimbursed for the coupon but they still refused. Is there any suggestions to this? Also, for Glade products, if I have one B1G1 and one $1/1q can I use both to purchase two items since it would be one q each? Thanks!
alina_chafin at hotmail dot com