Coupon insert dates

How do you store your inserts? I personally just cut out the coupons I believe I'll use, that is, coupons for products we buy regularly, and then just hang on to the rest of the insert, intact.

For a long time, I had problems when someone would say "It's in Smartsource (SS) 9/6 or RedPlum (RP) 8/30". I tried writing the date on the outside front cover, but if I wasn't paying attention, cut out the coupon and had the date on the back, or if I just plain forgot to write it, I messed up that process. Then I tried filing them right away in a folder with the date marked on the folder, but if I didn't put the insert right back, I had another mess on my hands. Then one day, it hit me!

Something made me look on the "spine" of the front/back section. By "spine" I mean the fold, or what would be the spine if the coupon insert was a book. On that fold, is, among other things, the paper that the coupons were published in (if you have both Press Tribune and Stateman, that could be important since they don't always have the same coupons) and, drum roll please, ....... the date!!! My first thought was, why didn't I figure this out sooner?!?! To save you some aggravation, I thought I'd pass that info on to you. I hope it helps!

Read More.....Needs to go file at Janetcoupons house, because she's behind!

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Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I haven't couponed for a month because I hadn't filed anything and I just couldn't stand trying to look up the coupons to find the insert date.

you saved me hours of work and a load of frustration.

janetcoupon said...

Happy to help!